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- From: rudiak@garnet.berkeley.edu
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Edelman's stream of fallacies (was Re: Skeptic fallacies, a select few)
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 16:34:12 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Lines: 279
- Message-ID: <4qbudj$l11@agate.berkeley.edu>
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- mje@pookie.pass.wayne.edu (Michael Edelman) wrote:
- >Brian Zeiler (bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu) wrote:
- >: Michael Edelman wrote:
- >: > We see a lot of claims from people writing here that they do "research".
- Most people here read the available literature, which is much more than "saucer
- fan magazines." It includes government studies such as the Condon Report, Blue
- Book Special Report #14 (which Edelman labeled a saucer fan magazine), FOIA
- documents, etc. And yes, they also read the popularized UFO books. However, I
- have yet to see evidence of Mr. Edelman having read anything.
- A few people who sometimes contribute here have done field investigations.
- >: > They don't collect data, or test hypotheses.
- Do you? All I've seen are unsubstantiated claims. You don't even read the
- references cited, such as the lab spectrograms and reports on the Ubatuba
- magnesium samples.
- I have done some research on a UFO video filmed by radar range cameras at the
- Nevada Test Site. Unlike normal UFO video footage, this has the actual radar
- range data superimposed on the image plus the commentary of the radar operators.
- There are also close ups of the object through the zoom lens. Because of the
- numerical data, it's possible to precisely calculate the trajectory, altitude,
- speed and acceleration of this object. This is a nonstreamlined object with no
- obvious propulsion system, yet capable of hovering, making a right angle turn,
- traveling at speeds exceeding 500 mph, and accelerations of 3-4 g. It is also
- intelligently controlled, since it circles the radar site at an absolutely
- constant distance while rapidly climbling. It also seemingly changes shape and
- glows, and has a pulsating "aura" surrounding it. Exactly the same shape craft
- has been videoed by civilians flying over Mexico City. This is either some new
- and secret government survellance craft of unknown propulsion or its alien.
- Hard data like this video, however is generally hard to come buy. UFO phenomena
- are diverse, and most of the data collection is eyewitness reports. While
- skeptics generally snear at these, they are valuable sources of information
- since statistical analyses can be done to pull out the common threads. It isn't
- just "SaucerZealots" who do this, but also government studies, such as Blue
- Book. The Air Force recognized very early on that UFO reports clustered around
- strategically important areas such as military bases, government labs, harbors,
- power plants, industrial sites, etc. Blue Book Head Ed Ruppelt, e.g., reported
- this to the infamous Robertson Panel back in 1953. Major Dewey Fournet of Blue
- Book, an engineer, statistically analyzed the unconventional flight
- characteristics of the unknowns, and concluded that they described craft with
- intelligent control and advanced design, i.e. alien. At the same time, the
- Battelle Inst. was statistically analyzing the same reports as Fournet and
- Ruppelt. This became BBSR#14, Mr. Edelman's "saucer fan publication." They
- came to the conclusion that there was less than one chance in a trillion that
- the unknowns could be caused by misidentification of the knowns. And the
- percentage of unknowns was twice as high for the best observors (like pilots,
- control tower operators, etc,) than the worst (drunken hillbillies, etc.) This
- is exactly the opposite result you would expect if UFOs were some form of mass
- hysteria, mirage, hallucination, misidentification of common objects, etc.
- >: I'm collecting data through the Freedom of Information Act. What are you
- >: doing besides dumping your verbal excrement in this group with hollow
- >: ridicule and obnoxious winks?
- >You're not collecting data.
- Please see comments above. There are different sorts of data. Mr. Edelman
- seems to think the ONLY valid type of data are numbers he can collect in a lab
- under carefully controlled conditions. Not all scientific research is done this
- way.
- The FOIA documents. e.g., are historical data, which tells us what the
- government was secretly thinking about UFOs, while publicly posturing that it
- was all hoax, hallucination, and misidentification.
- >You're taking information, removing the context and reinterpating it to your
- >own ends.
- From my observations here, everybody has been guilty of this to some extent,
- including Mr. Edelman.
- [snip out stuff about radar]
- >: >What they do is read books ]
- >: > written by other UFO fans. This is how research was done in the Dark Ages ;-)
- >: More ignorant blather from a vapid buffoon. These "books written by
- >: other UFO fans" that are cited by David Rudiak and myself make use of
- >: government data that can easily be confirmed or refuted. This data is
- >: from the USAF primarily.
- >Let's just follow this chain of evidence:
- >USAF releases data
- >"UFOlogist" takes data, and writes some interpretation of it in a popular
- >book.
- >Brian reads book.
- >Yep, that's Real Scientific Reasearch, by gum!
- Studies like the Condon Report and BBSR#14 are not "popular books." A good
- example of Mr. Edelman "taking information, removing the context and
- reinterpating it to [his] own ends."
- >: Can you corroborate this claim of yours that communications between the
- >: US and Brazilian governments were poor in the 1950s? If you can't, we
- >: shall have further evidence that you're an irrelevant waste of electrons.
- >Well, for one thing, there was no reliable phone service, surface mail
- >took many weeks, and no FedEx, either ;-)
- >This was before communications sattelites, Bri ;-)
- >Of course, the Greys were providing a regular shuttle service.
- What does any of this have to do with the metallurgical studies done WITHIN
- Brazilian govenment labs on the Ubatuba magnesium samples. Absolutely nothing,
- that's what.
- >: So the use of pure magnesium in an airborne vehicle for purposes unknown
- >: automatically implies that it is a "primative [sic] material". Can you
- >: please corroborate this claim of yours that the uses of pure magnesium in
- >: airborne vehicles are invariably primitive?
- >: > And pure Mg wasn't possible in the 1950s? Think again.
- >: Can you corroborate your claim that pure magnesium could be manufactured
- >: in the early 1950s? You can't, because Dow and other agencies conceded
- >: that no artificial manufacture nor natural occurrence of pure magnesium
- >: was known at that time.
- >Well, Bri, you can snip my arguments from your quote, but I can repeat them
- >nonetheless:
- >Mg was a major aerospace material of the 1950s.
- But always alloyed, since structurally it isn't as strong or heat resistant as
- other material. As Mr. Edelman himself pointed out, other materials were far
- superior for aerospace applications.
- >It is very likely that the fabrication of very pure Mg was possible
- >then, but a confidential process.
- Again, Mr. Edelman can't provide a reference.
- >That's typical. I've mentioned,
- >for example, Al/ceramic metal matrix composites which were a secret
- >process in the 70s, and a bicycle frame material in the 90s!
- >Use of Mg in aerospacd technology decreased after the 50s and was
- >supplanted by Ti and Beryllium alloys, ceramics and composite materials.
- >
- >Mg is 1950s aerospace technology. Why are advanced aliens using it?
- >The simple explaination is that the fragments were 1950s earth
- >technology.
- And he's contradicting himself. He has called Mg a "primitive" material for
- aerospace applications, and yet he is now claiming they used highly purified Mg
- for exactly that.
- >Now, have any saucer fans in the last 40 years taken the time to find out
- >if Mg of that purity was in fact made at the time?
- According to Dr. Roy Craig of the Condon Commission and a big skeptic, there was
- no magnesium that pure. He compared Ubatuba Fragment 3 to Dow Chemical purified
- Mg in 1968, the best stuff then available. It wasn't 100% pure, but neither was
- Fragment 3. But multiple spectrographic analyses in two labs on Fragment 1
- indicated it was 100% pure, to the limits of resolution of the equipment (about
- 1 part in a million, similar to the resolution on Fragment 3).
- >The answer is pretty obvious. Saucer fans don't revisit data.
- Debunker fanatics like Mr. Edelman won't even read it, and he can't provide
- references for his claims.
- >: Classic example of SkepticMinimalism. Mike, we have physical evidence
- >: that corroborates the claims of the witnesses to a large, but not 100%
- >: certain, degree. This physical evidence was also determined by the
- >: Brazilian government and by Dow to defy our knowledge of natural and
- >: artificial occurence of this substance.
- >...in 1950.
- >: > I'd guess we have a piece of an aircraft, or possibly a chunk of
- >: > or ICBM debris.
- Again, he's contradicting himself. Highly purified magnesium wasn't suitable in
- the construction of aircraft or rockets. It was always alloyed. Yet now he's
- claiming it came from exactly that. Can Mr. Edelman provide references that
- purified magnesium was used in such a way that chunks of it could be recovered
- from an exploded plane or rocket? Or how about a reference for "ICBMs" being
- fired around Brazil around 1957? Edelman is just making this stuff up out of
- thin air and then accusing others of being "unscientific."
- >: Now we see Mike lapsing into SkepticInformationFilter. Debunkers have a
- >: deflective shield around their cortex that guards against the absorption
- >: of information that contradicts their collapsing hypothesis. Mike, here,
- >: has apparently decided -- contrary to the verifiable evidence by Dow and
- >: various government agencies -- that pure magnesium *did* exist at the
- >: time. Of course, if Mike could provide some evidence of this, he might
- >: be a little more convincing when he tries to debunk the other evidence
- >: and verifiable substantiations of the never-before-seen pure magnesium.
- >Oh, suddenly it's no longer a Brazilian source, but a GOVERNMENT source.
- >The Brazilian qualifier has disappeard. Next response he'll just call
- >it a government response.
- The Ubatuba samples were tested in two Brazilian government labs, but strictly
- speaking these were not "government" tests, since they were done for Dr. Fontes.
- There was some testing at Oak Ridge labs, but again this was privately done by
- APRO, not officially by the government. The only official government sponsored
- result was the testing on Fragment 3 reported in the Condon study, and done in a
- government lab. Two samples confiscated by the Brazilian military simply
- disappeared. Dr. Fontes thinks they were tested, but the military never told
- him the results. And the Lorenzens had the experience of submitting a sample to
- an Air Force Lab, and then being told it had been destroyed during testing
- without any results.
- >: > Mg was a major material in 1950s aerospace
- >: > technology.
- >: Not pure magnesium. Unless you can provide some documentation to this
- >: effect, I'd rather take the word of Dow and other labs, thank you very
- >: much.
- >As I've noted, no saucer fan has ever verified this.
- Again Mr. Edelman contradicts himself. According to him, purified Mg was a
- "primitive" material of no use in aerospace. Then he uses it to "solve" the
- Ubatuba case, saying it came from one of our flying craft. And he never cites
- any references. There is NO evidence that 100% pure Mg was available in 1957.
- >Tell you want, post a copy of the original data, and I'll run it
- >by some materials people I know.
- >The only claim I've ever seen here is an unverifiable statement
- >that spectrographic analysis showed it to be completely pure. That's
- >pretty unlikely, but I'll accept a copy of the original lab data.
- >And putting a second-hand recounting in quotes doesn't constitute
- >data, Bri!
- As I've told Mr. Edelman before, he can pick up a copy of Coral Lorenzen's book
- "The Great Flyijg Saucer Hoax." In it he'll find photos of 3 spectrograms from
- Fragment 1 and copies of the original lab reports, in Portuguese and English.
- Dr. Fontes gives a complete history of how he came into possession of the
- fragments, and how he went about having them tested. He can also read the
- Condon Commission test results, or read books like "UFOs, Yes" by Dr. David
- Saunders of the Condon Commission, who discusses the significance of the Ubatuba
- samples, or NASA engineer Paul Hill's book "Unconventional Flying Objects."
- But Mr. Edelman somehow thinks reading has nothing to do with research. And
- actual lab reports and the Condon Report are just books written for saucer fans.
- Right Mike?
- >: > It's been replaced by other materals and composites that were
- >: > unknown then. Again, why are advanced aliens using Mg instead of
- >: > stronger, lighter, tougher materials?
- Why are you using pure aircraft/rocket Mg to explain Ubatuba while at the same
- time saying it wasn't suitable for these craft? Consistency please.
- >: Why do you assume that pure magnesium has only one use? Maybe they eat
- >: magnesium and make their onboard pool cues out of magnesium. This is a
- >: totally idiotic and absurd line of pseudoskeptical reasoning.
- >Brian asks the question, and answers it in one pass!
- >: > You're a scientist, you say; what research have you done, other than
- >: > reading past saucer tales?
- >: And thus Mike lapses back into his rabid rants. Little does he know how
- >: completely insane he appears for stomping around the UFO newsgroups like
- >: a madman, hurling insults around and overturning decades of verifiable
- >: research with a few keystrokes. He really doesn't recognize the obvious
- >: lunacy in this behavior.
- >:
- >Oh, I recognize lunacy when I see it!
- >--mike